Sunday 9 June 2024

Bikepacking 2024 - Grayan-et-l'Hôpital to Ares

Day # 17 State of Legs :-)

Distance (miles) Distance (km) Ascent (feet) Ascent (metres) Punctures
Today 66.5 miles km 1093 feet metres 1
Trip Totals 805 miles km 18718 feet metres 1

Today's Route
Route So Far


We saw a lot of trees today. A great many. We knew we would so we started counting them from the moment we left the campsite, purely out of interest. At somewhere around the 10 squillion mark, we lost count unfortunately (merd!). M2 wanted to cycle the 10 miles back to the campsite to start again, so passionate was she about the tree counting project, but M1 voted against this course of action. It was agreed that we did see a lot of trees and that's all that matters.

The entire route today passed through forest. That is apart from about a mile where we left the planned route to find lunch in one of the few towns we encountered and about half a mile where we cycled to the campsite off the route. It was tremendous, to be honest. The trees were mostly pine trees, each heavy with big pine cones but there were other trees too. In places the vegetation below the tall pines was so thick it was like there were two separate canopies.

The birds seemed to like it in the forest, especially the Jays, a great many Chaffinches and heard but not seen, Chiffchaffs.

The weather was pretty much perfect. Blue skies. Sunshine. A cooling breeze.

For a good part of the journey we were close to the sea but couldn't see it. The trees, of which there were quite a few, generally got in the way. But there were also fairly enormous sand dunes between us and the sea, too.

After about 40 miles of cycling, we were officially starving hungry and detoured to the seaside town of Lacanau. We sat in a cafe and had Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese Paninis and shared a large tub of French Fries. Or Fries as they call them around here.

Refuelled, we rejoined La Vélodyssée and carried on towards our destination. It got a little hilly, which was a shock and surprise. We'd convinced ourselves that the French Atlantic coast is completely flat. Oops. 

After arriving at the campsite, we immediately had cold drinks at the bar. The tent was then put up, showers had and so on. And we've now returned to the same bar, had very nice ice creams and the blog is being updated.... right now. Literally.

Tomorrow we cycle even further than today. Gulp. At least that's the plan.


Look! Trees!

More trees

Not that many trees.... but there are some

That's a hill over there

French Fries - because the French were the first to fry a slice of potato





Trees!.... I mean Ice Cream!

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