Thursday 17 August 2023

Bikepacking 2023 - Rest day and Walking at Cap Gris-Nez

Day # 39 State of Legs :-)

Distance (miles) Distance (km) Ascent (feet) Ascent (metres) Punctures
Today 0 miles km 0 feet metres 0
Trip Totals 1368 miles km 47238 feet metres 0

Today's Walk
Route So Far


Today we remained at Ambleteuse where we'd arrived and camped yesterday. 

The campsite has a bakery that sells fresh bread and pastries in the morning, so that was the first event of the day. Breakfasting on a PaC each and for M1, also a PaR (if these pastry codes haven't caught on yet, they never will!).

We then cycled a couple of miles north, parked and padlocked the bikes and did a 9 mile hike up the coast, around the Cap Gris-Nez ("Cape Grey Nose") headland and back through farmland to where we'd left the bikes. Happily, they were still where we'd left them! 

The weather today has been lovely with sunshine all day but with a breeze to stop us from over-heating. Perfect walking and cycling weather.

Cycling up to the start of our walk was easy and quite scenic. The beach is actually very rocky and quite green. Rock-pooling and collecting mussels seem popular.

The walk north stayed close to the coast and afforded good views all the way, including of the white English cliffs on the other side of the English Channel. Cap Gris-Nez itself is the closest point to England. It's 21 miles apparently but looks much, much closer. 

It turned out that the trail we were walking was a small fragment of the 10,000 km European Coastal Path E9. We can now say we've walked about 6 km of it!

Approaching the lighthouse at Cap Gris-Nez, there are a number of relics of the Second World War.

At the lighthouse, we looked across to England where we'll be sailing soon, and then continued around the headland.

Fairly soon, we were walking across farmland.

M1 tried to persuade M2 to climb up on one of these but failed!

Back on the bikes, we cycled in the direction of the campsite, stopping briefly for cold drinks at a cafe by the road.

At the campsite, M1 gave the bikes a quick clean, especially the chains. "Clean" may be an overstatement because using only a cloth, cold water dispensed from two cycling water bottles and a bar of standard soap produces limited results! They're better than they were though. The chains look nice and clean from the week's oil mixed with dust and will be lubricated tomorrow before we leave. The derailleurs and jockey wheels still look a bit grimy, but spraying them with solvent to get them properly clean will need to wait until we're back in the UK.

Apart from that, there may have been a nap or two! That's about it. We're going to sample the delights of campsite pizza this evening. It will doubtless be wonderful.


The pizzas were more than passable. The portion of "frites" though, was ridiculously large! We have no idea now this happened. They were ordered "pour moi", presumably indicating that they were to be for one person. We ate half of them, which really was an effort!

After making total pigs of ourselves (no offence to any piggy readers intended), we decided that a sporting activity was required to make up for such gluttony.

Neither of us have played Pool for decades. And OK, this may have been apparent but it did mean we got incredible value for money, spending forever chasing the balls around the table until the laws of probability kicked in and one by one, over an extended period of time, they were potted. Good fun was had and we played three games. Scores will remain a closely guarded secret.... said a slightly smug M1 :-)


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