Sunday 7 August 2022

Bikepacking - Nébias to Audinac

Day # 39 State of Legs :-)

Distance (miles) Distance (km) Ascent (feet) Ascent (metres) Punctures
Today 63 miles km 2313 feet metres 0
Trip Totals 1825 miles km 71593 feet metres 0

Today's Route
Route So Far


The Pyrenees region is rapidly becoming my favourite part of France. I love the scenery and I love the quality of the cycling here. There were no spectacular climbs or remarkable incidents today, it was just one of those very enjoyable days.

Most of the initial cycling was on roads. But these were quiet roads with a great surface that made cycling through this landscape especially pleasurable. I passed through numerous villages but it being a Sunday was unable to secure coffee or pain au chocolat! But all was not lost because I did find a Proxi (small supermarket) open and got myself a drink to drink and a drink to cool my phone. And some chocolate. So that did the job.

I really liked this ornate water fountain at Sainte-Colombe-sur-l'Hers

There were a lot of sunflowers growing in the fields today, always a great sight (but sadly my photos never do them justice at all).

What kind of weird perversion is this?! A horse wearing a cowbell?! Some people are sick!

The village of Ilhat

The bells of this small church near Roquefort-les-Cascades were pealing as I passed by

My route took me through the town of Foix and I actually remembered for once that today is Sunday and that supermarkets would typically close at about 12:00 so I found one and bought some food for later as well as to eat right away. Yes, I had something vaguely resembling lunch (couscous and tuna with tomato) for once!

Foix has a castle right at its centre, the Chateau de Foix. I could see it from some way off as I approached the town.

 After Foix, I continued initially on good roads but soon left the road for a superb gravel cycle path that I followed almost all the way to my campsite. It's designated a Voie Verte (green way) and I strongly suspect it's a former railway line, a suspicion reinforced by the two long tunnels I cycled through. 

The path is well maintained, almost flat and it was fast to ride. There was even drinking water available here and there which I took advantage of, filling both my bottles with fresh and cooler water.

My campsite is only a couple of miles away from the route I'm following and so required only a short detour to get here. I'm really impressed with the place so far. It's relatively large and "commercial" but seems to have got everything right. It's spacious and green, my pitch is car free and has shade and electricity which did not cost extra and the staff are really excellent, genuinely friendly and helpful. 

Here's today's profile:

That's it for today! :-)

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