Friday 1 July 2022

Bikepacking - Flimwell to Folkestone

Day # 02 State of Legs :-)

Distance (miles) Distance (km) Ascent (feet) Ascent (metres) Punctures
Today 41 miles km 1325 feet metres 0
Trip Totals 86 miles km 3782 feet metres 0

Today's Route

Route So Far


I woke up to the birds singing in the woodland by the campsite this morning. Not a bad way to start the day although it was about 4:30 a.m. and someone should perhaps have a word with those birdies about anti-social behaviour!

I eventually got up at around 6:00 and went and investigated the noisy neighbours. The most vocal included Song Thrushes, Wrens and Blackbirds. A few White Wagtails were seen but they seemed to be quiet and well mannered, not like the other lot! :-)

I wasn't intending to start cycling until about 9:30 when there would be less traffic so I had time to kill. I read some more of my current book on my Kindle (Suttree by Cormac McCarthy) and had some breakfast.

The sun was shining but it had rained in the night, so my tent was wet on the outside. I took the fly sheet off and hung it on the fence to allow it to get the full force of the sun on it. It dried pretty quickly.

The time approached for me to depart so I took the tent down, packed everything away and set off. Some of the roads in the first 10 miles were relatively fast "A roads" but happily there wasn't too much traffic. After that, most of the roads took me through quieter countryside. There was even a short off-road section today, at the end of which I got my first sight of the sea! That's always exciting!

In Hythe on the coast, I bought fish and chips for lunch and cycled to the beach to eat it there looking at the sea. I sat down on the concrete walkway with my feet dangling over the edge and thinking my fish and chips looked so good they deserved a photo, put them down and reached for my phone. 

Big mistake! As soon as I let go of my precious fish and chips, I was attacked by about 20 seagulls! One swooped down and tried to make off with my delicious fried haddock! Outrageous! Who do I complain to?! Luckily it botched the operation and my fish broke in half but remained with the chips. I didn't fancy eating something tainted with seagull spittle (or whatever it is they have in their beaks!) but equally, was starving hungry and not about to throw it away. So I broke off a bit of fish either side of the break, where I believe the gull had gripped it in its greedy beak, threw the two small pieces to the gulls and proceeded to eat what remained of my lunch with one eye on the Gang of Gulls the whole time! Oh, and the gull knocked my can of drink over as well. #naughtyseagull

Lunch was delicious. Let's just hope I don't come down with a weird seagull disease!

After lunch I cycled the remaining 8 miles to Folkestone where I'm now in a room in an apartment courtesy of AirBnB. 

A pretty good day #2!

Photos from today:

Fly sheet drying on the fence

Old school directions - uses less battery than any app!

A classic Kent hops farm in the background

And closer up....

The picturesque village of Biddenden

A country lane in Kent

Glad I'n not down there on the A2070

Cereal farming in Kent

A short off-road section

First view of the sea over there in the distance!

The beach at Hythe

A few minutes away from Siege of the Seagulls - fish and chips in the bag hanging from my handlebars!

Gate to today's AirBnB accommodation. I'm neither a trespasser or a child so all's well.

Settling into my room for the night.

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