Friday 29 July 2022

Bikepacking - Draguignan to La Verdiere

Day # 30 State of Legs :-)

Distance (miles) Distance (km) Ascent (feet) Ascent (metres) Punctures
Today 47 miles km 2737 feet metres 0
Trip Totals 1321 miles km 57426 feet metres 0

Today's Route
Route So Far


After two lovely days, largely doing nothing it feels good to be back out on the bike again. 

I left my apartment at 6:15 and enjoyed the downhill ride into and through Draguignan. But no sooner had I started to enjoy the downhill than the downhill very quickly turned into uphill! Obviously it did. What else would it do?!

Hard to see it, but the gradient's about 10%

And so, somewhat abruptly, only minutes into my ride, I found myself cycling for just under two miles up a hill with a gradient that was around 10%. In case you don't know, that's steep enough to require bottom gear, especially with a heavy bike like mine. Have I mentioned that my bike's heavy? Well, it is.

But all was well. To be honest, after all the climbing I've been doing, it was nothing to worry about and I just settled into a rhythm and was soon at the top. And from the top of the hill and for many miles to come, the environment changed. For much of the ride, I would be passing through woodland with the occasional vineyard thrown in as well. It was really nice. Shady and green, not that the shade was quite so necessary today because there were also clouds in the sky and the temperature much cooler than it has been. Very pleasant cycling all round.

A mere five or six miles into the ride, I found myself cycling through a number of tunnels and under various bridges. 

Eurovelo 8 signs were in abundance today and were much more useful for way-finding than had been the case previously. The road climbed for a good while, the gradient fluctuating between gentle not worth mentioning to about 11%. I think the average was probably about 7%. I barely noticed any of it though. I've obviously got so used to climbing over the last few weeks that it takes a lot for me to even notice I'm climbing now! Or maybe I'm just not very observant :-)

On the edge of the small town of Barjols, I spied a patisserie! It was only 10:30 but I'd had breakfast at about 5:30 so I was ready for some food and something to drink.

I wanted a quiche but from what I could gather, all the ones on display had ham (jambon) in them and since I don't eat meat, they were not for me. I was shown something else instead. I didn't catch the name or the description but it apparently contained no meat and it looked *very* cheesy and in the good way! So I said yes to the mystery food.

It was like a pizza with no tomato but with extra cheese with some extra extra cheese on the extra cheese. Yes, it was cheesy. Very tasty and quite satisfying. With that and a Coke inside me, I was ready to go again.

About 5 miles from my destination, in the small town of Varages, I stopped for groceries and some fresh bread from the boulangerie and then turned off Eurovelo EV8, heading north for La Verdiere.

I passed a number of signs for the Parc Naturel Regional du Verdon which includes the famous Verdon Gorge and was soon at La Verdiere. 

On arrival at the campsite, I went to reception to check-in. I got a very friendly welcome which included a big glass of beautifully cold water! The co-owner, Delphine told me that the campsite was full but that they had a policy of always finding a space for cyclists. What a great policy :-)

I was taken to their "SOS" pitch, an area of unshaded grass by the swimming pool. It's where people like me, with small tents and bikes get to camp when there are no other options. And it's more than fine. Very welcome in fact. And today is still cloudy so the lack of shade is not an issue. I'm really just glad I have somewhere to stay!

I'm now sat in the bar area where I've eaten my lunch and treated myself to an ice cream for dessert. It's only 14:30 so I have lots of time now to relax. I think reading is next on the To Do list.

Au revoir!

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