Saturday 25 July 2020

The 100% Waterproof Frame Bag

I bought a frame bag which had a compartment for a smartphone and transparent cover, which is supposed to allow you to see the phone's display and operate the touchscreen. Until today, my experience of the product had been good. But I guess I haven't done that much wet weather riding with the frame bag attached.

It's made by Turata and they describe it as "100% waterproof" on Amazon.

Well, today I rode 60 miles on my touring bike, which has the frame bag mounted. And it rained. Not hard, torrential, lashing rain in a fierce cross wind. No. It was just drizzle. Moderately heavy drizzle I suppose, but drizzle nonetheless.

After an hour, there was plenty of water inside the bag and I could not use the touchscreen of my phone, which was responding to false touch events due to the water. Leakage? Condensation? Hard to say but either way, a complete failure for the supposedly 100% waterproof product.

The Turata non-waterproof frame bag

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