Friday 21 July 2023

Bikepacking 2023 - Douzy to Doulcon

Day # 12 State of Legs :-)

Distance (miles) Distance (km) Ascent (feet) Ascent (metres) Punctures
Today 35.9 miles km 1250 feet metres 0
Trip Totals 544.6 miles km 17205 feet metres 0

Today's Route
Route So Far


Today, it rained. Never hard, but it was more than mere drizzle. But it was no big deal and with waterproof jackets on, we never felt compelled to put on over-trousers or over-shoes. 

Our ride today was a short one compared to others this week, clocking in at only 36 miles. But today also differed from others in that we left the River Meuse behind and travelled across the countryside, which consisted of rolling farmland and the occasional village.

As 10:00 approached, that old familiar craving started to kick in. For coffee and pain au chocolat. Or to be much more honest about this, for carré aux amandes! (but we'd happily accept PaC if necessary).

But there are no cafes in this part of the world! And no boulangeries! Not that we could find, anyway. Google Maps told us that the nearest place for coffee was over six miles away. This is unheard of!

So, we cycled on, without coffee and without a tasty treat to refresh our legs.

Our campsite is by a lake in a small town called Doulcon. The town has a supermarket and several cafes and restaurants.

We've cycled nearly 550 miles now, and had only one rest day. So it's very much time we scheduled some more rest. To that end, we're not sleeping in the tent but instead, have booked a "pod" and will spend the next three nights here, giving ourselves two full days of rest.

Home Sweet Home (for the next three nights)

That's it for now. The plan of course is to sleep, eat, wash our clothes, charge our various batteries and complete "trip admin" for the next week, which basically means finding place to stay along the route. We might watch something on the laptop and we may well play one or both of the games we bought in Brussels. Rest is the priority.


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