Sunday 30 July 2023

Bikepacking 2023 - Rest day #2 in Saarbrücken

Day # 21 State of Legs :-)

Distance (miles) Distance (km) Ascent (feet) Ascent (metres) Punctures
Today 0 miles km 0 feet metres 0
Trip Totals 762.1 miles km 24010 feet metres 0

Today's Route
No Cycling Today
Route So Far


It's a Sunday here in a quiet Saarbrücken and we're into our second day of rest. Resting doesn't have to mean zero physical activity of course, and we decided to get some fresh air this morning and walked to and through the Bürger Park, which despite the name has nothing to do with burgers as far as we could tell.

We liked the park. It manages to balance traditional park ingredients such as trees and the river which flows by it with urban ingredients like modern road bridges, the remnants of industrial buildings and graffiti in a rather stylish way. And there are geese, ducks and at least one grey heron, too.

A family of Egyptian Geese

Urban Goose

Urban Goose doing its yoga

Our Trip Admin has been completed and we have accommodation organised for the next seven days, which is probably a record for planning ahead! The route for the next week or so is a curious one as well, since we make a good number of border crossings, entering first Luxembourg and then Belgium, France, back into Belgium and then back into France again!

Normally during a rest period, M1 would wash the bikes and thoroughly clean and then lubricate their chains. But the apartment is on the second floor and there's nowhere secure to leave the bikes at street level. Consequently, on arrival on Friday, M1 had the job of first carrying all the bags up the stairs whilst M2 guarded the bikes and bags and then carrying each bike up. Hard work, let me tell you! But this also means that to wash the bikes would need M1 to carry the bikes down to street level, work on them on the pavement of a fairly major street, wait for them to dry before lubricating the chains and then carry the bikes back up to the apartment where they would hopefully not drip oil on the floor! No thanks. So, bike care is deferred until the next opportunity which is likely to be at the first campsite after Luxembourg, provided the weather is dry.

We have nothing much planned for the rest of the day. We started watching French police drama (and masterpiece), Spiral ("Engrenages" in French) on the laptop yesterday and so will doubtless binge more episodes. We've seen all seasons before, but it is tres awesome and are already enjoying watching season one again.

And if M2 gets itchy feet, we may go for another walk, elsewhere in Saarbrücken. We shall see.

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