Sunday 23 July 2023

Bikepacking 2023 - Rest day #2 in Doulcon

Day # 14 State of Legs :-)

Distance (miles) Distance (km) Ascent (feet) Ascent (metres) Punctures
Today 0 miles km 0 feet metres 0
Trip Totals 544.6 miles km 17205 feet metres 0

Today's Route
No cycling today
Route So Far


It's a Sunday today and literally, a day of rest. Legs are recovering well, so with a second consecutive rest day, hopefully we'll be back to full cycling readiness for tomorrow, which is just as well as today is very windy and if it's as windy tomorrow, we're in for a tough day.

The weather on this trip has been a little weird. Further south in Europe, there are life-threatening heatwaves and forest fires. It was the same on M1's solo trip last year, where heat was the major weather challenge to be dealt with and extra sun block was bought in France after only a few days in the country. This year, it's been warm at times, but never hot. It's been chilly sometimes, and not infrequently. It's rained a little, but generally half-heartedly. But it's been windy to some extent almost all the time since we arrived in Calais. The direction of the wind has varied, so sometimes it may have helped us whilst on others it made cycling harder, like we were cycling uphill. Which we generally were anyway! It's all part of the adventure, of course.

Today, we hit the village boulangerie once again for breakfast, and diversified, selecting Croissant Amandes for a change. We're getting so adventurous with our croissant choices. Proper brave :-)

Back at the campsite, M1 lubricated the bikes' chains, ready for tomorrow.

There's a kind of market that has popped up in the large area around the campsite reception. And the fire brigade are here as well, though why we're not entirely sure! There don't seem to be any particular fire hazards, so maybe they're recruiting or something. We had a wander round anyway, buying nothing if only because anything we buy and don't consume, we have to carry. And we have plenty of food already. It was a pleasant distraction, anyway.

Mmmmmm...... cheese!

M2 has secretly always wanted to be a firefighter

Mmmmmm...... cheese!

Live bees! Very interesting.

After our market wander, we decided to give our second game a try. It's called Quoridor. Each player has a single pawn and the object of the game is to move across the board to reach the opposite side before the other player. But each player also has 10 "fences" which are wooden pieces that span two squares and may be placed either horizontally or vertically in slots on the board, blocking movement across those two squares. You're not allowed to fully block or contain the opponent, but you can impede and delay.

We've played two games so far. M1, whose big toe seems to have recovered since yesterday, giving rise to measurably improved brain function, won the first game. M2 won the second. So that's almost certainly the end of M1's one game winning streak :-)

Lunch was fresh bread from the boulangerie with Orval cheese and redcurrant jam.

The jam was tasty and so was the cheese, albeit it was rather mild and reminiscent of a Dutch cheese like Edam. Not our favourite from this trip, but enjoyable anyway.

For the rest of the day, we're watching TV shows and movies on the laptop and reading our books. We may even play some more of our two games. It's what rest days are all about!


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