Sunday 19 July 2020

Getting the Bike Ready - Bar Ends

Bar ends are the second unfashionable change I made to my mountain bike to ready it for a life of bikepacking. The first was to add a kickstand.

What Are Bar Ends?

Bar ends are components you attach to the end of your handlebars, creating a short extension at right angles to the handlebars themselves.

Why Fit Bar Ends?

There are those who claim that bar ends make hill climbing easier, especially steep hills. That may or may not be true but either way, it's not the reason I chose to fit them to my bikepacking bike. 

A bikepacking trip will involve being in the saddle for many hours a day. Comfort really matters and your hands and wrists will be amongst those parts of the body that start to complain relatively early on if you're not careful. Being able to change the position of your hands really helps keep hands and wrists happy and that's why bar ends are a good idea. I've been riding with them for a few weeks now and I'm so happy I got them. I'm already feeling the benefit, even on relatively short rides.

Selecting and Fitting Bar Ends

I have no great wisdom to share on selecting bar ends. I looked at a variety and took note of the reviews from other buyers and that was about it. 

Fitting bar ends is another matter. It should be easy but I made a complete mess of the process and ruined my handlebar grips in the process! I also became convinced that the bar ends I had bought did not fit the diameter of my handlebars. I was completely wrong about this. Handlebars are usually of a standard diameter.

That said, fitting bar ends can be tricky. You need to loosen the brake and gear selector so you can slide it a little along the handlebars towards the centre to make space. You then need to slide the grips in... easier said than done. Check YouTube for some tips. Once you've made the required space though, you just need to clamp the bar ends onto your handlebars, usually with an allen key and that's it. I got my local shop to sort mine out after I'd made a mess of my first attempt! It happens.....

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